Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Now on Tapastic!!

Hey friends!  I have committed to a web comic hosting site called Tapastic!  It's a great site to discover and subscribe to a wide variety of web comics for free!  My series is found here:

I plan on posting colored pages of my self-published comics!  Click the above link to subscribe!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Let There Be COLOR!!!

Photoshop progress on page one.  The Fragonard painting on the right is used
for color reference.
Since completing the first chapter of the Shelby story and making it into a zine, I have decided I want to begin posting each page in full color on a web comic site.  As I pursue the next goal of writing the second chapter, I am also looking into getting the series professionally published.  In the meantime, I am considering using a webcomic site called, because I really like their intuitive, simple design and dedicated community.  If you like comics, check it out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

23 new buttons almost ready!!!

I am finishing up 23 brand-spanking new button designs for my
students (and maybe etsy shoppers)!  They will be divided into two
sets.  (above, l to r: Breanna, Cupcake Wizard, Powerpuff Sophie,
and Wizard 6)